For your convenience we have compiled some questions we are frequently asked.
Of course you can contact us any time but we understand that you might want a fast and immediate answer to your urgent questions now. We hope the follwing FAQs give you this answers and informations you are looking for. And you might do not have to spend time to write an email and wait for an answer.
1. How big is my doll?
If you do not have the size information of the manufacturer please measure the doll size by following instruction:
Turn doll upside down (with head down) using a ruler to measure from head to toe.
Very helpful is a plastic quilting ruler as it is non-flexible and will not wobble around like a measuring tape, therefore it is very handy.
2. Which Boneka dress size fits my doll?
Our dress sizes are given in centimeters (cm) and can be found in the middle of our item numbers. E.g. item no 1019–24–000 fits our 24cm / 10" Boneka Effner doll.
Our items are sorted in categories by size: information is provided in cm and inch.
In the category DOLLFASHION and each offer you can find a link to a doll measurement chart where we have listed various dolls with Boneka dress- and shoe size to our knowledge. Clicking on the link opens the size chart.
We update this chart regularly.
As soon we have new information about dolls we will add the information to this chart.
If you have any helpful information about doll sizes we appreciate your help. Please transmit this information to us. We will then update the chart. We are thankful for any new information and this also helps the whole doll community.
We would like to appologize in advance as we do not know every doll. There are too many different sizes and proportions on the international market.
If your doll is not listed in any of the charts please follow the tutorials to find your doll’s size, shoe size and dress size.You can also contact us – we are happy to help and will try to find the information you need.
3. Which Boneka shoe size fits my doll?
To find your doll’s shoe size, please follow the link “3 easy steps to find your doll’s shoe size”. You can find this tutorial in the category DOLL SHOES and also on every shoe product listing page on the website.
You might also find the shoe size of your doll listed in the doll measurement chart we have linked to - in the category DOLLFASHION.
4. How can I convert cm into inch and vice versa
To find out what cm (centimeter) tranlates to in inches please follow the link to this CONVERTER
5. My original packed Boneka shoes came flat - Can you stuff it with tissue?
We are sorry to tell you that this is not possible.
There are various reasons why our shoes are packed in tranparent plastic bags only.
Unlike plastic, leather is a natural product. Depending on the material used to make the doll shoe it will be stiff or soft: plastic is stiff and rigid and leather is soft and collapsible. The shoe will adapt to your doll's foot as soon as you put it on.
Please note: flat leather shoes once placed on a doll's foot show none of the same tendencies that a plastic pair might. For example, squashed plastic shoes might show everlasting wrinkles or fine cracks on the surface. This simply doesn't happen to leather shoes.
Stuffing with tissue would add another packaging step to the process and only increase production costs and prices just for packaging and delivery - and this is not our goal.
We want to keep our shoes at affordable prices for you.
6. How are my Boneka shoes packed?
We are often told our shoes would come flat and not in a box. Why not in a box? Because packaging in a box would not change anything. Then flat shoes would lay flat in a box - simple as that.
Sandals are flat, whether they come in a box or not. Even your sandals are flat when you do not wear them.
Packing the shoes in a box would add another packaging step to the process and only increase production costs and prices just for packaging and delivery - and this is not our goal.
We want to keep our shoes at affordable prices for you.
7. Do Boneka clothes cause stains or damage to my doll?
During 25 years of Boneka Production we have neither heard of nor experienced staining to vinyl caused by our clothing.
If you are still concerned about any perceived risk, you may do the following:
a) handwash the clothes to see if the fabric dyes bleed out. You can fix colours by adding vinegar to the water, or add a colour catcher to the laundry
b) dress dolls in white underwear such as knickers and tights, available in our shop in various sizes
8. How do I care and clean my Boneka shoes?
Like all natural leather products our doll shoes can be cleaned and treated with standard leather care products.
For more product information about our doll leather shoes please also read our BLOG ARTICLE
9. My Boneka shoes show formation of deposits. Why did this happen? What can I do?
If you live in a country with a high humidity you might experiance that some materials tend to develop a sort of formation of deposits on the surface. In the past we have been informed about isloated cases that this happend with our shoes.
We pack and deliver our items in a perfect condition from our stock in Germany. If your shoes show any mould this is due to a high humidity in your country.
PLEASE DO NOT WORRY: This is only on the surface and can be removed easily:
In this case we recommend to clean the shoes with a soft tissue and standard leather care product. If shoes are not disposed on the doll, store the shoes in a breathable area, possibly in a fabric bag together with a sachet of silica gel.
10. Do Boneka shoes cause stains on my vinyl doll?
Unfortunately we have to confess that we have heard of isolated cases where dyed leather shoes have caused stains to vinyl dolls.
Leather is a natural product and the natural colors are all sorts of brown. To create colourful shoes it is necessary to dye the leather with color. (Wouldn’t it be nice we could raise animals in various colors?) That’s the way things are.
The cases we heard of have been shoes in dark colors like navy and purple.
To prevent your doll from becoming stained by dye transfer from the leather shoes we recommend dolls wear shoes with socks, and if you wish to place dyed leather directly next on the vinyl please do so for a short time.
We take no responsibility for any imperfections caused to your doll wearing our shoes.
11. Do you ship international?
Yes, we do.
Please find information about our terms of delivery here: DELIVERY INFORMATION
12. My doll is not listed in the doll measurement chart. What can I do?
We would like to apologize in advance as we do not know every doll. There are too many different sizes and proportions on the international market..
If your doll is not listed in our measurement chart please see FAQ 1-3 to find your doll’s shoe- and dress size.
Please bear in mind that Baby dolls, fashion dolls, toddler dolls, child dolls, BJD dolls etc. all have different proportions and need clothing made from different patterns. Therefore a 50cm doll is not a 50cm doll!
If you are – after all – not sure about your doll’s dress size please contact us and tell us the doll’s name, size, manufacturer and the chest width in cm. A picture would also be helpful.
13. Do I have to pay VAT / tax?
Our registered office is in Germany. We follow the German Value Added Tax Act.
Prices in the shop are shown including tax.
At checkout, once you have added your shipping address the order will show a breakdown of costs including any tax payable at the point of sale on the goods in your cart if applicable.
14. How much are the prices in my currency?
Given prices US-Dollar are approximately and calculated by an average exchange rate.
To convert Euro prices to other currency denominations please search for a currency converter on the internet. For example to convert Euro to US Dollars, search "EUR to USD" to find a currency converter
15. How much are my shipping costs?
Please find all shipping information in our section DELIVERY INFORMATION
16. Which languages do you speak?
Our business language is German. We also speak English. If you do not speak one of these languages please help us by using a translation program e.g. Google Translator
Should you write to us in another language than mentioned above we can't guarantee that we will understand your request correctly.
English is not our mother tongue, so please forgive us any wrong spelling or grammar mistakes.
17. Can I see the webshop in French?
We would like to apologize in advance, we do not speak French.
Our business language is German and English.
We put a lot of effort and time to set up our shop in German and English and give all information needed. Unfortunately, for this reason it is not possible for us to translate the shop into a third language.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and lead you through the registration – and ordering process.
Please note: using the search tool by typing in a French term will lead to no results because there is no French input at the webshop at all.
18. What are your business hours?
Well, the good thing about shopping online is: you can shop 24 /7 – 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Therefore our shop doors are open around the clock.
Of course our office is sometimes closed: when we sleep, on weekends and German public holidays, when we are not on the computer, when we dress dolls, when we prepare fairs and doll shows, when we are on a doll show, when we are outside taking beautiful product photos for you, when we research to find an answer to your questions about dolls, when we pack your orders for shipping etc…. there are many important reasons why we do not answer your email immediately.
Nevertheless, we will answer your emails as quickly as possible - our goal is to provide great customer service and we will do everything to make you and your doll happy.
Please bear in mind that we live in the Central European Time Zone, CET.
Thank you for your patience.
19. What are the differences between the 3 Boneka Effner Doll Sculpts
Please read all about differences of the 3 Boneka Effner Dolls in our separte BLOG POST.
20. How does a Coupon Code works?
When we offer a discount promotion we announce it on our homepage and transmit a coupon code. Please enter this coupon code in the appropriate field when checking out and press the corresponding OK button. The discount will then be automatically calculated and displayed in your invoice.
Discount promotions are offered for a specific time period and discounts are ONLY calculated during that time. It is not possible to discount before or after this period, because invoices in our store are automatically generated according to the sales rules we have stored.
Please do not write us an email with the Coupon Code, the Coupon Code only applies when you check out.
All pricing rules are set in our store and invoices can not be changed manually to generate a discount.
21. Where can I find more information about Boneka?
To find out more information about our products and the company Boneka Tradition, there are many ways::
Not found what you are looking for?
Please contact us via the contact form CONTACT US. Our customer service team is happy to help and to answer your further questions.
When we are online you can use the chat tool in the lower right corner to chat with us online.
New 13" / 33cm Boneka Sweet Monday Child doll Painted by Helen Skinner...